The boys

As you may know, I have 2 sons with Down syndrome.  They are 8 and 9 years old. They are both in special education classrooms at their school and go to “specials” (PE, Music, Art) with a regular-education second grade class.  Noah also spends one hour each day integrated into that same class for regular-education services.  He loves it!

“Friendship Day”

Last week, Noah was invited to the “Friendship Day” party in that classroom to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  This was HUGE for us.  It’s the first time he’s ever been included for that type of thing. He was pretty excited about it.  I went to the parties for both boys that day and was able to meet Noah’s classmates in the regular ed classroom.  I know the children in their special education rooms, all of their teachers, and therapists, but had never met any of the children, other parents, or the teacher from his regular ed classroom.

It was a wonderful experience.  As soon as we got there, everyone was so welcoming and happy to see him.  He’s tiny compared to them– have the size of some of them or even smaller!  He’s actually older than them though, as he’s 9 and would be in third grade, but we kept him back this year because he’s doing so well with reading and math and we wanted to solidify that foundation before we sent him to third grade, since it’s a huge jump.  Plus, he wouldn’t be able to keep up and integrate in with a regular-ed classroom.

He played games, ate his snack, and passed out his valentines that he made for everyone in the class.  One little girl immediately said she would help him to find everyone’s boxes. It was really sweet.  At the end of the party, he said “Goodbye” and “thank you” and he went back to his special ed classroom with arms loaded with goodies and a huge smile on his face.

Surprised by kindness

When we got home that afternoon and I looked at his valentines from the other children with him, my heart swelled, and my eyes got a little teary. Ok, maybe more than “a little”.  They’re teary even as I write this now.

I included a photo of a card made by one of the students.  She took time to make a handwritten note addressed to both boys.  She thanked them for joining them in “specials” (PE, Art, Music) and encouraged them by saying their drawings are good.  My heart melted.  How sweet is that?

Seriously, who’s cutting onions in the room right now?

Whisper from God

As a momma of 2 sweet boys with special needs I can’t begin to tell you how much that means to me. You think about about their future.  Will people be kind?  Will others look out for them?  And so on…

Seeing the sweet card this little girl made was like a whisper from God saying, “They’re my sweet boys.  I will take care of them.”

My next thought was of this little girl’s own mom.  I have no idea who Payton is, but she has a kind heart and she has been taught well.

What about me?

I got to thinking about that and how it applies to me.

  • Is there anything in my life that I need to be passing on to my own children, or an area where I need to look out for someone else?
  • Am I open to doing what God wants me to do and going where He leads each day?
Maybe I’m supposed to be the “whisper from God” for someone else.


Maybe something I do will be confirmation for them and will  touch their heart in a way that I will never know.

What about you?

  • Is there anything you would like to instill in your own children?
  • Is there anything you’ve been sensing that God wants you to do but you haven’t done it yet?
Maybe you’ll be somebody’s “whisper from God”.


The tiniest acts of kindness and encouragement can change someone’s day or  even life.  You never know!

What will you do today to be kind and to encourage someone?