Have you ever thought about what kind of car or vehicle you would be?
I like to think outside the box a little (ok, maybe a lot). The other day I was thinking about people and what our lives are like. that led me to compare our lives to cars. I’m not sure why. I’m not really a “car person”, but for some reason that analogy came to mind.
As I thought about it, I began to realize that it made sense, even if only in my own mind. It’s a little silly, but I think it’s actually something that has somewhat of a “deep” side to it also if you really think about it. Let’s have some fun and get creative for a few minutes…
If you had to describe your life/who you are right now by comparing it to a car or vehicle, what kind would you choose?
Let’s think of a few examples to get your creativity flowing.
Maybe you’re a race car.
- It’s all about speed. Everything is a rush. No time to slow down…. you’re in 5th gear all the time. Life is BUSY and you must go full-throttle.
Maybe you’re an expensive little sports car.
- It’s all about the bells and whistles and how you look. Maybe some things aren’t the most practical for getting around in day-to-day life, but it’s all about appearances. Life’s about having fun and impressing others.
Would you choose an ambulance?
- Maybe you’re always coming to the aid of wounded, hurting people and helping them yourself and/or “transporting” them to help. They know to call you when they need it.
Or a tow truck.
- You’re the one always helping people when they’re stuck or broken down and can’t get to where they need to be on their own.
Maybe you’re a tank.
- You just plow right through whatever is in your way. You don’t let anything intimidate or stop you. You have a mission and you’re determined to accomplish it no matter what. Maybe that sounds a little negative.
- On the positive side, you could be very resilient and just keep going no matter what comes your way. It doesn’t break you down.
What about a smart car?
- Those small efficient cars that take you from point A to point B. Nothing fancy, nothing extra. not even any extra space other than what you need to get from A to B.
Maybe you’re a work van or a work truck.
- No fancy windows, sleek lines, or gadgets to show off. Just the tools you need to do the job you have to do each day. You’re well-stocked and well-prepared for whatever comes at you. You’re dependable and equipped for the tasks you face each day.
I also thought about the Model-T.
- Nowadays that’s not the most practical car for the lifestyle we live, but if you think about it, it’s slower and kind of fun. Maybe this car would describe you. You’re taking life at a slower pace, enjoying the ride while you’re on it. Out in the open, in the fresh air, enjoying the sights as you take a nice, leisurely drive. You get the idea.
You could be a van or a bus.
- Plenty of room for others to come along and enjoy the ride with you. Functional and very practical, getting you from point A to point B like a city bus or school bus.
- Or it could be quite exciting. Like a touring bus taking you on a fun trip or a van with all the bells and whistles, movies and entertainment as you go along, etc.
Maybe you a car sitting on the side of the road with a boot on it.
- Temporarily out of service with an obstacle that makes it impossible to drive until it’s removed.
Or you could have a flat tire or just low air in your tires.
- You’re moving along, but it’s a bit of a rough ride. Not quite as smooth as it could be.
Then again, you may just be a regular, basic, dependable car.
- Nothing out of the ordinary or terrible exceptional that would put you in a different category. Very functional and no major concerns. Just normal maintenance.
This just scratched the surface of land vehicles.
There is so much more you could choose from this category. And then we could go on… boats, airplanes……so many different types of each kind. They all have different purposes and functions, as well as features and details.
There is much more I could have said and analogies I’d love to mention, but that would get even longer and more laborious.
When I asked my husband what he would be, he instantly said he’s a broken-down station wagon, full of people not going anywhere. If you know him, you know he’s been sick this year and we have 7 children. He laughed and said that felt like an accurate description at the moment.
So, think about it for a minute. Get creative! Really describe yourself in detail as a vehicle.
Air, land, water…..so many options.
- What car would you choose and why?
- Do you like the car or vehicle you “are” currently? Why or why not?
- What would you choose if you could “be” something different? Why?
You have the ability to determine which kind of vehicle you are from today forward… What will it be?
I’d love to hear the answers on this one!