What could you accomplish if you focused on your personal or spiritual growth or on transforming some area of your life for 2 months? What if you spent 3 months focusing on yourself?
How would life be different?
- What would it look like?
- Who would you be because of the change?
- Would you wake up each day ready to enjoy each moment with confidence, peace of mind, and joy in your heart?
What would it mean to you if you gained: life balance; clarity in your purpose and mission in life; a sense of calm and peace; less hurry and busyness; time management; or priorities for your life and values?
What would it look like to be a woman after God’s own heart? What kind of wife would you be? Mother? Friend? How would your relationships be transformed? What would it mean to you to have contentment and joy in every role you fill in life?
What if you began a new habit or quit an old one? What about that goal you dream about accomplishing “someday” or that “thing” you’ve been putting off? How would your life be different if you did it?
What areas would God have you to change or grow in?
It could be absolutely any topic, but what is the one thing that would make the biggest difference for you this coming year? What’s stopping you from doing it? As the new year begins, it’s a perfect time to reflect on your life and pray about what God would have you to do and who He would have you to be in 2014.
I believe in coaching 100% and see the value it adds and the difference that it makes in the lives of those I work with and even in myself when I work with my own coach! I am always amazed at how much of a difference it makes to have that accountability and coaching relationship. I truly accomplish more– and do so quicker than I would on my own!
What would it be worth to you if you invested in yourself for 2 or 3 months in 2014?
If coaching is something that you have thought about trying, but weren’t really sure if you could afford it or if you would benefit from it, contact me and we can come up with a plan that meets your specific needs and budget!