How do you spend your time?good best

  • Where is your focus?
  • What are your priorities?
  • What do you say yes to?
  • Do you spread yourself too thin?
  • Do you take on a lot of projects or participate in a lot of things, only to find that you really can’t give them your best because you have over-committed?
  • Do you have a hard time saying no?
  • Do you finish strong when you start something?
  • Do you even finish?

There are so many things we can fill our lives with.   Good things.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  But do our lives get so overcrowded with good things that we have no room for the best things?

  • Would you say that the way you spend your time, the things you prioritize and focus on, and the things you say yes to are the best things for you?
  • Are you really  living your life to the fullest?
  • Are you maximizing every opportunity and living intentionally?

I like to think of life in seasons.  At different seasons in my own life, there are different priorities.  Something that could be good for me, or even the best thing for me at one point, may not be the best thing for me during another season.  It’s really important for me to be intentional and discerning.  Flexibility is a key!

So, how do you decide how to prioritize?  What do you do if you have way too much stuff in your life and you don’t know how to cut back.  A coach can really help you with that, but let me give you a little word-picture as an example.

Imagine you’re cleaning or organizing a space.  Maybe your garage, or basement, or a closet.   You have a couple of choices.  You could just go in and straighten things up a bit and move it around.  You may tighten it up a little and even add more to it.  It will look neater, it may function better, and you will probably  notice a difference.  Sometimes that is all that is needed.

But, there’s another option.  Sometimes you have to actually empty the space out.  Completely.  Start from scratch.   As you do, you are able to really look at the space and decide what goes back in and how to best use the space.  You don’t have to keep everything.  That is freeing!

Well, I think our lives are kind of like that.  Sometimes we need to adjust our lives a little and it may be as simple as rearranging our schedule and making it look a bit neater.  Other times we have to come to a full stop and carefully consider each thing in order to prioritize and decide which things to keep and which to let go.

That can be hard.

As much as we talk about multi-tasking and doing many things…….. do we really do them well?

I know I don’t.  I tend to take on a lot.  I can juggle quite a few things.  But I also know my breaking point.  I know how much I can do “well”.  I do better when I focus on fewer things and do them well versus doing a lot– but none of it to my potential.

I want to make this my year of the “BEST”.   One of my goals for this year is intentional living, as I’ve mentioned before.  To be intentional, I need to make sure that I’m not so full of “good” things that I can’t live out my “best”.

  • What will your “best” look like?
  • What can you do this week to assess your “good” and prioritize your “best”?
  • What will you do today?