Season of Life vs. Lifestyle

seasons of lifeWhat’s your life like?  Is it rushed and stressful?  Do you have time to relax and enjoy your family and all aspects of your life? Are you content?  Is it good but you would like it to be better? Do you wish you could change it but you feel overwhelmed and helpless? Is it just a “season” or has your life as it is right now become your “lifestyle”?

We all go through different seasons of life.  As we age and go through the various stages of life, we often call them different seasons of life, but today I’m talking about something a little different.  Let me give an example.

I just recently finished a very busy and challenging season of life (AKA- “grad school”).  I’ll be honest, nothing in my life was really done to the standards that I would normally do it because I was so busy while in school.  It was a lot to juggle.  The house was never really organized or cleaned the way it “should” be (my standards—or probably anyone else’s at that point 🙂 ), meals weren’t always planned in advance and prepared like I love to do, ministry had to slow down and eventually stop— and even my coaching was kept to a minimal.  There was a constant struggle between spending time with family or studying, I didn’t get workouts in like I had always done in the past, I didn’t have much time to just do fun, relaxing things I enjoyed—when I did, I had to pay the price somewhere else….   You get the idea.

Can you relate to that?  It’s hard!  It can feel like you’re spinning a lot of plates in the air and just trying to keep them from crashing down. (more…)

It is finished!

grad school cat walkThe Eagle has landed!

As you may know, I’ve been in grad school working on a master’s degree in counseling for the past couple of years.  I turned in my very last paper for my very last course and began waiting for graduation!  I can’t begin to tell you how good that felt to finish my goal (more on that in another post)!  Sorry, I couldn’t resist the cute little cat meme.  I’m sure you can relate to the feeling of finishing a major task or life goal.  It’s all in good humor– I’m really not trying to be boastful by any means.  I love to laugh and have fun in life!

I finished with my internship at BJC Behavioral Health in October and graduated this week!  And that’s it!  The end.  Wow!  It seemed like  “one day…” would never get here.

I’m really excited about the doors God is opening and can’t wait to see where He will take me.  I kept my coaching very part-time while I was in school.  Seriously, it was all I could do to juggle the many hats I wore plus school and coaching.  (I mentioned in the past that I have 7 children, right? 🙂 )

I have many groups I’m planning to roll out after Christmas and have a lot of ideas that I’ve been collecting and waiting to use!  Details coming soon. My plan is to finally go full-time with the coaching in January 2017!

It’s so nice to know that “one day” is finally here!  It’s time to write the next chapter of my life story.

I’d love to hear your story …


FOCUS: my theme for the year

focus_if blurry changeDo you pick a theme for the year?  I don’t normally, but I have this year. My theme is: FOCUS. I love setting goals and making detailed plans, but I’ve never really sat down in the past and thought through what my theme would be for a particular year.  This year is different.


I’ve been rather AWOL on my blog for months.  As you may know, I’ve been in grad school finishing up a master’s degree in counseling.  Adding grad student to the many other hats I wear has kept me busy and I have not been writing on here.  Although, I did write over 30 papers last semester for the 3 classes I took and was busy with my internship (hence the “no time” for the blog)  I’ve had a lot of great posts composed in my head, but they never made it from there. <<sigh>> It’s the thought that counts, right?

On a serious note, that’s really what has led to my theme for the year.  I need to focus in order to prioritize and use my time as God would have me to use it.  If not, life will just get blurry with me trying to do too many good things, but not the best for me.   (more…)

Happy Thanksgiving!


May you have a wonderful day today as you reflect on the blessings in your life.  Even when things may be difficult and painful, God is good and we have much to be thankful for.  I look forward to spending the day with my family, but I will miss Mom though.  This will be our 5th Thanksgiving without her.  May God bless you today and this coming year!


The benefit of thankfulness

green heart of gratitudeHappy Thanksgiving!

I’d like to pass on a podcast about the impact gratitude has on our life.  Not only does thankfulness/gratitude affect us emotionally, but there are also physical benefits.  I think you’ll really enjoy this information.  It’s presented by Susan Whitcomb on the Professional Christian Coaching Today blog

Here’s the link:  Gratitude: the Hidden Benefit of Thankfulness

One of the gratitude exercise ideas Susan shared was called Green Heart Gratitude.  The idea is to send a quick text to someone you are grateful for in your life that says:  “This green heart represents gratitude.  I send it in appreciation for ___________. ” (fill in the blank with something specific about that person)  You want to focus on a character strength, attribute, or value that they have.  It’s a great way to show your gratitude.  Not only will they get a “boost” by you sharing with them, but it actually gives you a boost as well.  Try doing that every day for several weeks and see how it impacts you.  Susan explains it in the podcast and shares other ideas as well.

I pray that you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow and that you are able to take time to reflect on the blessings in your life that you are thankful for.

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving!


New Year – New You

The New Year is coming!  Are you ready to be more awesome? 🙂


With the new year, we often make resolutions or set new goals. Unfortunately, we never achieve many of them.

Maybe “being more awesome than last year” isn’t your exact resolution for the coming year, but life coaching can help you to achieve your real resolution.

What if?

What if this year could be different?  What if you did make a resolution and keep it?  It takes 21 days to develop a new habit. What if you went longer than that?  What if you spent 3 solid months working with a life coach to develop a “New You” for the New Year?  (more…)