Do you need any pruning?

Are you familiar with emotional intelligence (EQ)?

EQ is defined as: the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.  According to Daniel Goleman, a psychologist who made this concept popular, it is made up of 5 key elements:

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Self-regulation
  3. Motivation
  4. Empathy
  5. Social skills

Have you ever been in an awkward situation brought about by low EQ?

I remember a very awkward situation I once observed. I felt bad not only for those impacted by it, but also for the one displaying the low EQ.

Let me set up the situation:  Women were gathered for a special holiday event and there was an ornament exchange.  Each woman was to bring a wrapped ornament to exchange anonymously. It was a lot of fun until one woman disliked the ornament she received. Instead of quietly setting it aside and allowing the event to continue smoothly, she made a big deal out of how much she disliked the ornament she chose.

I mean — a really big deal out of it.

She went on and on about how ugly it was and asked everyone near her, and those who walked by, if they thought it was ugly.   She would not stop talking about it or complaining about receiving it.  Eventually, another woman said she would trade her, just so she would stop.


I was embarrassed for the woman who was complaining. It was rude and she was oblivious to the feelings of anyone else.  It was all about her.  I was also embarrassed for the woman who had brought the ornament and I empathized with her.  She was nearby and heard every criticism made of her and her choice of ornaments. It was rather painful.  She later expressed to me how much it bothered her and how embarrassed, and a little angry, it made her.  It was not necessary, and honestly, it was neither a mature reaction nor a godly reflection of how to treat others.

Can you relate to that?

Have you ever been in that type of situation?  I think that will stick with me forever.  I will admit that I lost a lot of respect for that woman that day, as her true character was on full display.  It confirmed little signs I had seen previously.

It will also stick with me as a reminder of how to treat others and how to respond graciously to situations.  It reminds me of the way our words and actions can impact others.


Although I’ve always tried to be one who is very sensitive to the feelings and needs of those around me, God used that situation to do a little self-check in my own life as well.  I looked for anything that needed to be pruned away.

  • Were there any situations in which I was reacting to others in a hurtful way?
  • Was I only aware of my own desires and needs and not concerned for others?
  • How do I deal with disappointment?
  • Do I react in a way that does not reflect the love of Christ and His control of my life?

What about you? Do you need any pruning?

  • Have any character traits slipped into your life that you need to prune away?
  • Do your actions and responses reflect Christ?
  • Are you sensitive and empathetic to those around you?
  • Are you aware of how you come across and how others perceive and “receive” you?

Ask God to help you prune any character traits from your life that are not truly reflective of Him.

Bloom With Grace

Have you ever thought about what it means to “bloom with grace”?

My daughter painted this for me this weekend. She really enjoys painting and likes to give gifts and little notes of encouragement to people. She asked what my favorite flower is and then ran downstairs and painted this in just a few minutes. Not only do I think she did a beautiful job, but the phrase is very powerful.
We’re all probably familiar with the “bloom where you’re planted” phrase. We see it on a variety of items throughout the year, but especially in the spring. She took a different spin on it though. She added to bloom with grace.

Hmmm…. That’s interesting to think about.

Where are you planted during this season of life?

Are you blooming, or are you kicking and screaming that you’re there “against your will”? Are you determined to let everyone know this is not where you want to be or what you want to do?

  • Why do you think God has you planted where you are right now?
  • What could he be teaching your about yourself and about Him during this season?
  • How does He want to use this time to your benefit and His glory?
  • How can you bloom to be more like Him?

What about grace?

  • Are you showing grace to those around you where you’re planted right now?
  • What about yourself? Are you showing yourself grace?
  • Are you letting other emotions rule and withholding grace from yourself and others?

When I think about blooming, I think of the things that are needed: water or nourishment, sunshine, good soil, and roots that grow strong and deep. If we’re fighting against God and the place where He has planted us right now, we’re not going to develop those strong roots and thrive. We may even grow for a while but not really ever bloom.


In order to bloom with grace wherever you’re planted right now, what changes do you need to make?

  • Is there someone you need to be more gracious to?
  • What would that look like?
  • Do you need to change your attitude about your calling and roles for this season of your life and accept that God has planted you there?
  • Or maybe it’s the opposite….maybe God wants to plant you somewhere else, but you want to stay where you are and not venture into something new with him.

What will you do today to bloom where you’re planted with grace?

What do you really want?

Have you ever stopped to think about what you really want in a certain situation or in life?  I mean, what you really, really want if you get down to your deepest desire?

I had a conversation with my dad recently and it led me to think about this. As we discussed some decisions that John and I are making and the waiting period we’re in for some decisions others are making on John’s behalf, I heard myself say something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and especially since our conversation.  They funny thing is that I had just heard someone else mention the very same topic earlier that day.  I’m sure it’s no coincidence that God brought it to my mind twice in one day.

What did I say?  I’m glad you asked.  😊

As I was talking with Dad, I said, “Well, I’m not sure what I’ll do yet, but if I could do what I REALLY want to do……..”   and then I gave some other details.

So, what do I really want as a result in the decision I’m making?   Hmmm.  That led me to some deep thinking.

Can you relate?

Have you ever been in that situation?  Where you have some options but you’re not sure which you’ll choose.  You know the benefits and disadvantages or challenges of each, but deep in your heart there’s one option that you would really like to choose?

It’s tough, isn’t it?

Let’s think it through:

Here’s a little exercise you can use when you’re in that situation.  You can have someone help you with it or you can just write it all down on paper and do it alone.  This is the type of deep-level thinking we coaches do with our clients all the time.  (Not this particular super-simplistic exercise.  I’m talking about the digging deeper part and awareness that we do with clients in various forms.)

Think of the result / choice you really want, then we’re going to take that a little further.  Are you ready?  Ok, so back to your results…

What would that result give you?

Write down everything you can think of or share your answer with someone.  Hearing yourself speak out loud is very beneficial and powerful.

Now, what would those results give you?

Hmmm, a little deeper now.  Take your time.  Really begin to think about it.

Again, one more time, what would these new results give you?   (You can repeat this more if you think it would be helpful.)

Well, by now you may be thinking, “Seriously?  That’s not quite rocket science.”  I know, but hear me out on this one and trust me.

By thinking of the results and then going deeper with what that would give you, and then repeating that a few times, you really get to the root.

Don’t just scratch the surface.

So often we face a decision or situation and think of a desired result, but it’s typically “bigger” or deeper than just that first desired result that comes to mind.  The surface-level result is just that.  The surface.  What are we really desiring underneath it?  What’s really driving our choice?

We often think, “Oh, this is what I want”, but it’s not always really just that.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say you wanted a vacation.  (It’s probably an easy scenario to imagine, right?) And then you thought about all the things you’d get out of taking a vacation.  Maybe it’s having fun, time away from work, time with the family, rest, no schedule, being able to visit somewhere else, crossing off an item from your bucket list, or even going someplace or taking a cruise or something else you had never done before.  These are all great benefits of a vacation.  It’s what you want.

Take it a step further.  What would those give you?

So you think about that and you realize that time stands out in the results you want, as does going to a cabin in the mountains for a week.

Again……….what would that give you?  What would time and a week in the mountains do for you?

Time.  You realize that’s a biggie.  You feel you don’t have time for what’s important.  You need to carve out time for things you want to focus on.  Like family.  And a slower pace.  And space or margin in your life.  Hmmm. The cabin in the mountains…… represents  being able to “get away” and not have the normal hustle and bustle of your daily routine.  And a slower pace….which leads back to time again.  You like that it would give you control over your time and schedule… and the ability to fit in things that normally get squeezed out of your daily routine.  You haven’t had that in a while.  Your time is driving you…’re not in charge of  your time.  Ouch!

Then what would that give you?

….you take a deep breath and realize you said you feel squeezed ….  Time would give you a feeling of expansion.  The ability to “breathe” and not be choked out by your typical schedule/routine…….and you think of a metaphor:  It’s like you’re an accordion and your everyday life is when the accordion is squeezed together, forcing the air out.  This vacation would be you when the accordion is expanded.  Just like the deep breath you just took, you could then “exhale” if you were able to control how you spend your time.

You’re beginning to realize it’s not just a vacation that you’re really desiring.  Yes, you want the vacation and it will probably be wonderful, but you realize you want it because you need something to be different in your life on a day-to-day basis.  The vacation is really like a bandage on top of the symptom. It’s a temporary fix, and like a bandage, you could change it out for another but the problem is still underneath until it’s healed.

You want time.  And space.  And a different paceThat’s what the vacation really represents. It’s not just to go somewhere fun and do something new or to have a little time off.  Your desire is really a change at a deeper level.

It’s pretend, but…..

It’s just a fictitious scenario with made up results and desires.  Please understand that I’m not saying everyone who wants a vacation has this thought process.  I just made it up as an example.  Vacations and time away are wonderful and healthy.  It’s good to have time away and we’re more productive when we do so.

But, suppose this were real… could take that even further and then look at ways you could incorporate more time, space, and a slower space into your daily life.

  • What kind of changes would you need to make?
  • What options do you have to make that happen?
  • What could get in the way?
  • What steps would you need to take to make that happen?
  • What would it “cost” to do so?
  • What would it “cost” you if you didn’t make the changes…..etc.?

You can see how digging deeper can really lead to some powerful insight and help you as you make decisions.  Don’t just stop with your first answer when you think of what you want.  Dig down to WHY you chose what you did and that will lead to your deep desires.

It’s your turn………What do you really want?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. And what you really want!


New Year – New You

The New Year is coming!  Are you ready to be more awesome? 🙂


With the new year, we often make resolutions or set new goals. Unfortunately, we never achieve many of them.

Maybe “being more awesome than last year” isn’t your exact resolution for the coming year, but life coaching can help you to achieve your real resolution.

What if?

What if this year could be different?  What if you did make a resolution and keep it?  It takes 21 days to develop a new habit. What if you went longer than that?  What if you spent 3 solid months working with a life coach to develop a “New You” for the New Year?  (more…)

In hot water…but it’s a good thing

I had the glorious experience of taking a hot shower today.  Ok, maybe it wasn’t  so glorious, but it felt like it to me.  shower

I’m sure you must wonder what would make a hot shower so wonderful.  Our hot water heater has not been working well and we got a new one installed yesterday.  Wow!  What a difference!

The comparison between how badly our old one was working compared to the new one is crazy.  We have 8 people taking baths and showers, do about 5 loads of laundry, and wash countless dishes each day.  It didn’t matter if you were first or last…the hot water did not last long at all, and even then it was only warm.  In our master bathroom, for some reason, the water water only lasted about 2 minutes max and then it turned ice cold.

We noticed that it wasn’t working as well as it should be about a year ago.  The warm water didn’t last as long as it used it, but it was still fine– nothing too terrible.  It gradually got worse, but we lived with it until this week.

Thinking about the difference the new water heater made reminded me of how we often deal with things in our life. (more…)

Clutter in our lives

I’m going to…..

clutterWith a new year, we sometimes get these big ideas that “I’m finally going to ______”. Often, one of those things we decide to do is organize our life or one of our living spaces. We see it even in the stores. They capitalize on everyone’s fresh start and big ideas (whether they follow through or not) for the year. Go into any store and you’ll see displays of totes and other organizing tools.




“Lovers of themselves”

I’ve been thinking about this post for a while. The topic’s a little painful, but something God’s really been working on me about.  Our culture today is self-absorbed.  “Lovers of themselves”.  All about “me”.

narcissistFACEBOOKI’ve been trying to do a little self-reflection and really align my life with God’s plan for me in this area. I’ll admit that I catch myself doing what I’m writing about as much as anyone else. Ok, well, maybe not as much as some…. :) But, in all sincerity, it’s so common in our culture today and we don’t even really think anything about all of our updates, photos of ourselves, bragging, and letting everyone know what we’re doing . (Every. Single. Thing. we do)

Stages of spiritual maturity…Where are you?

As a coach and pastor’s wife, I really enjoy working with women who want to live intentionally and align their life with God’s desires for them.  One of the most exciting things is to watch them grow spiritually and deepen their faith.  It’s sometimes easy to begin that relationship with Christ, but it can be really hard to “live it out” on a day-to-day basis — especially when hard times come.

Spiritualk-Maturity-425x200One of the things that I love about coaching is that we evaluate where we currently are and then can take the necessary steps to move forward and grow.  Even if you’re not where you want to be yet, it’s ok.  The important thing is being honest about where you really are currently and then you can work to change that.  Often times we try to avoid looking at the reality or just find a way to work around it so that we don’t have to face it.  But by getting a good look and honestly evaluating it, we can make deep, significant changes that last. (more…)

What could you accomplish in 2-3 months?

What could you accomplish if you focused on your personal or spiritual growth  or on transforming some area of your life for 2 months?  What if you spent 3 months focusing on yourself?

  • calendarHow would life be different? 
  • What would it look like? 
  • Who would you be because of the change?
  • Would you wake up each day ready to enjoy each moment with confidence, peace of mind, and joy in your heart?  

 What would it mean to you if you gained: life balance;  clarity in your purpose and mission in life; a sense of calm and peace; less hurry and busyness; time management; or priorities for your life and values?


Repairing the walls and closing the gaps

While reading my Bible the other morning, I was reminded of a principle that applies to us today as we make changes in our lives.

In chapter 4 of the book of Nehemiah, it tells how they faced opposition when the walls were repaired and the gaps were filled:

So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart. But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the men of Ashdod heard that the reparis to Jerusalem’s walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry.  They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it.  But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.  Nehemiah 4:6-9 (NIV)

Doesn’t it seem like that’s the way it often goes for us?  We rebuild walls or fill gaps by making changes in our lives that God has led us to make.  We live as God would have us to live.  It’s hard work.  It can be discouraging or make us feel like we want to give up.  But we persevere and little by little those repairs are made and the gaps no longer exist.  We’re on cloud nine.  It feels so good! We may even still be in a little shock that we actually did it!  Maybe you thought it would never happen.  Maybe it was a “one day” dream you had for years or a deep longing to live a certain way and to be completely aligned with God’s purpose for you.

Then what happens?